August 7, 2054

34 2 0

I am incredibly worried about James. His arm has begun to blacken around the area where the wrench cut him. His skin was exposed when he killed the man from the other group that had slaughtered Lee. I fear he could have contracted whatever ailment he was sick with.

James has assured me everything is fine, and it is just a burn from the cold, but I am not so convinced. I've been right to trust my gut on several of these scenarios. He told me the same thing when I was worried about the great dragon and that had turned out to be true.

I cannot lose James. Living together on Europa does not seem so bad. It is like an extended honeymoon now that it was only the two of us. However, without him I would be the sole survivor of this mission, stranded to stay on Europa for months all alone.

Just the thought of it makes me want to die.

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