Kaylee and noahs goodbye party

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Kaylee's pov
I can't believe me and Noah are going back to music scholl tomorow. Noah is so sweet wanting to study at my school. I, happy I was able to save the lodge from being taken over by gill. Gil was furious when Shaun told him he was going. I walk out of my house and make my way to Noah's. His parents are still fighting. I go up to his room to see him packing, but I can tell he's upset. I hold his hand and say " finish packing later I'll help right now you need to tell me how you fell". He sits on a chair and pulls me onto his lap and says " I'm really nervous, about moving to the city, my parents inevitably braking up, loosing you". I say " it's natural to be nervous, you're moving somewhere new but I'll be with you, if they do breakup then you can talk to me and as for the last one, I've waited so long to be your girlfriend, you won't ever loose me". I kiss him he kisses back, it's our first proper kiss and my god it's good. I help him pack and say " we'll see you in an hour mr Potts, we can go for a walk after the party". He kisses me and says " sounds perfect Kayls, see you at the party".

Noah's pov
Kissing kaylee was so good ealier. My parents don't agree with me going to music scholl but I've told them I'm going no matter what they think. Kaylees parents are amazing, so supportive. We didn't want them coming to the party, me and kayls have already celebrated with them. I put a shirt on and head to the lodge, I see kaylee walking there and my god she looks beautiful in her dress. She comes up to me and says let's do the together. We hold hands and head into the lodge . Ben looks at me and says " me and Skye have got the suprise ready she'll love it, im so happy for you mate you've got evreything you've ever wanted". Later after the party, me and kaylee go for a walk, she gets cold so I give her my jacket. We're walking towards the pavilion where there are fairy lights. She says " I wounder who that's for". I take her hand and lead her Ito the middle of the pavilion and say " it's for you, I had Ben and Skye put the finishing touches before the party, it's my way of saying I love you". She kisses me a,d says Noah it's perfect,you really are the best boy I've ever met, I love you to you idiot". I kiss her pick her up and spin her around.

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