Oneshot 8

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Kaylee is back form music school, her and Noah are okay but not as good as they were when she left. Skye asks for Kaylees help for the day and she agrees, she gets told she's working with Noah and skye says he's in room five and tells kylee to tell him how she fells about him.

Kaylees pov
I'm working at the lodge today , skye asked me to as a favour and I agreed. I go to the lodge and skye says " you're going to be in room five with Noah, you need to talk just tell him how you fell". I sigh he hates me but she's right we need to talk and I need to tell him how I fell about him. I go up to room five and walk in, noah looks at me and says you do the bathroom and I'll do this room. I nod and say " sure". I take the cleaning stuff and start caleaning the bathroom. I look at noah and say " the shower isint working, he goes to check on it and I turn it on. Evene he's laughing , he picks me up so I'll over his shoulder and puts me under the water.

Noahs pov
We're both laughing our heads off, this is the most fun I've had since she left. Later after doing our shift we agree to meet at the boathouse. She looks beutiful in her dress. I say " ealier was the most fun I'd had since I left". She holds my hand and says " me to, look I'm sorry I left, music scholl is amazing and I love it but I missed evreyone here , I missed you the most , noah I really like you as more than a friend,there's a music production course at music school I mentioned your name and the teacher and the school would love to have you, there sending you a letter inviting you next week, im asking you to come with me". I smile and say " of course I'll go and I like you as more than a friend to". She smiles and I pull her into my arms, I really want to kiss her but I don't think she's ready. She kisses me and says " I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that". I kiss her and say " it's fine, so I gies we're unofficially dating ". She looks at me and says " that will change soon, I'm sure it will , it won't be that long until we're official but I think we should wait until we're at music school".

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