New years party/ first time

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Kaylees pov
I wake up on New Year's Eve to fell noah stroking my hair. My family left yesterday and they'll be back the day before we go back to music school. I turn around,smile and say " you're to,cute, playing with my hair, we have a free house, we could have breakfast later, thers something else I want to do first". Noah looks at me and says " are you sure?".
I nod he gets a condom and opens it, then puts it on his dick. I kiss with with more passion then I ever have before. He kisses back with an equal amount of passion. We start ripping each other's clothes off. Later after we've done it, we're naked under the covers. I look at noah and say " you don't regret it do you". He pulls me onto his lap and says " kayls I could never regret something like that, Ilove you so much it hurts". I say " well that's good because I don't regret it either, I love you more noah, you're the one for me, my future husband and the father of my future kids". He kisses me, I kiss back and we shower together.

Noahs pov
We get changed, that was incredible. We go downstairs and I make us breakfast. Kayls wraps her arms around me, kisses my neck and says " just marking my territory ". I kiss her and pic her up so she's on the counter and I finish breakfast. Later we're going to a new year party at the lodge, we've already planned what we're wearing. I won't be complaining if me and kaylee got some alone time. Later we're heading to the lodge, kaylee looks incredible. We've been at the party for a few hours. Me skye Ben and kaylee go into her room to play truth or dare. Ben looks at me and says "noah truth or dare?". I say "truth ". He says " have you lost you're virginity yet?". I look at kayls and she smiles and nods " I say " yes I have, it was amazing with the most beautiful girl I've ever met who just hapens to be sat next to me". It's Kaylees turn she gets dared to play seven minuites in heaven. She takes my and and leads me into the bathroom and locks the door. As soon as she locks it, she jumps into my arms and kisses me I kiss back, it's the best seven minuites of my life kissing the girl I love more than anything or anyone in this world sensles. Later we're doing the countdown, when it's midnight kaylee kisses me and says " happy new year", I kiss back and say " happy new year baby".

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