Skyes 17th

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Kaylees pov
I wake up on Skye's birthday, Me and Alex are,taking her shopping whilst the boys help decorate the lodge for her party later. Noah still isint up, I whisper "if you don't get up in the next five minuites sex ban for a month". He gets up imiedietly I'm quite impressed with myself to be honest . He looks at me and says " please kayls I love you so much". I laugh and say " I was joking I do t think either of us would manage to not have sex for a month. He starts t ling me and I laugh hysterically. Later I'm at the shoping centre with Alex and skye . Skye says " thanks for today, I'm suprise bens making such a fuss it's not a big birthday". I look at her and say " evrey birthday is a big birthday skye, bens making a fuss because you deserve it". She hugs me and thanks me. Me and Alex bye skye evreything she wants and we have a delicious lunch. We head back to the lodge which is quiet we go into the main room and evreyone shouts suprise. Skye is so shocked but happy at the same time, she deserves to be celebrated today.

Noahs pov
I walk up to kayls and say " I missed you", she says " I missed you to babe". Later the party is about to finish we hug skye and kaylee takes my hand and leads me to the boathouse.  She says " I know you're thinking why I've taken you her, this is where you Told me about you going to music school, it's also where you told me you loved me, so I'm going to tell you something". I wrap my Sri's around her waist and she says " noah pots, I couldn't love you anymore if I tired, you're my boyfriend, bestfriend and confident, there's not a day that goes by that you don't have me laughing hysterically, and it's all because you want to make me smile, you're an extremely special person and I'm so proud to be your girlfriend". I pick her up so her legs ar wrapped around my waist and kiss her, she kisses back'we go into Kaylees house and just relax in her bed, I look at her and say " thank you for the speach, I needed to hear it". She says " yes you bloody did, I'm sick of evreyone knowing how amazing you are apart from you, noah you are one in a million and I'm just happy to be yor friend let alone your girlfriend".

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