Oneshot 9

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Noah and kaylee are staying at the lodge for christmass as both there families have gone on holiday but they wanted to stay there. They agree to share a room they have sleepovers all the time so why should this be any diferent. ( in this oneshot kaylee didn't go to music school)

Kaylees pov
It's christmass Eve. I walk into the lodge skye says " Noah's already in there". I really like noah, we have sleepovers all the time. He's my best friend. Both our families are on holiday but we decided to stay here . I've had fellings for him for about a year now. I go up to our room for the next three nights and knock on the door. Noah answers and let's me in. The room is beutiful, it's decorated for christmass. Noah pulls me into a hug, I always fell so safe in his arms . He says " kayls I know music school was you're dream, I'm so sorry you didn't go". I look at Noah and say " hey it's okay, yes i5 was my dream, but I would've missed evreyone here, you especially ". I look up and see mistletoe, noah says " we don't need to, if you don't want to".

Noahs pov
She shuts me up by kissing me, I kiss back. She breaks apart and says we talk about it when we're ready to", I nod agreeing with her. We spend the rest of the day and night with Ben and skye. The next day we have just had breakfast and opened pressents, I'm so glad kaylee liked what I got her. We get showered and dressed. We have a delicious Christmas dinner and and chill for a bit. I see kaylee outside Ben says " go mate, tell her how you fell, if you're gone for a few hours I'll assume you're in you're room, take as long as you need. As I get outside I see kaylee shivering, I give her my jacket. I say " I don't regret it, far from it, kaylee I've had feelings for you for about a year now". She looks at me smiles and says " me to". She takes my hand and we run inside. We go up to our room as soon as I lock it, kayleee kisses me and I kiss back, we fall back on the bed and makout. We go back downstairs for a a bit then decide to head to bed. She comes out in her pjs, she's so beautiful. I open the covers, she gets onto my lap and says " we're bith 16, I'm not saying tonight but soon". I kiss her and say I'd love to kayls, so I guess thers just one question left, kaylee marsden will you be my girlfriend ". She kisses me and says " of course I will Noah potts". I'm so happy to be ending Christmas with the girl of my dreams as my girlfriend.

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