Oneshot 4

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The group ( skye, Ben, noah,kaylee,Alex, josh,Danielle and Sean). Decide to go on holiday. They go with Ed's permission . They decide to go to Spain. During the holiday kaylee and Noah get closer. It gets to the point where they cant deny there fellings for eachother anymore so they go to the beach to discuss what there going to do.

Kaylees pov
I wake up on my first full day on holiday in Spain. We've all worked so hard lately,Ed thought we deserved a treat. I really like Noah, as more than a friend. He's been my best friend for years but recently we've been getting closer. I shower and get dressed. We explore the town and Niamh looks at me and says " so you and oz". I say " we were just friends I told him I didn't like him that way and he left so he couldn't accept being rejected ". He says " well you're better of without him, he's just a prick that doesn't respect your decisions ". I look at him and say " we should probably catch up with them, why don't I meet you on the Bach this afternoon, there's something I want to discuss with you?".

Noahs pov
I really fancy Kaylee, i have for a few months, even before Lori came. We get back to the hotel and I get changed to meet Kaylee, I really want to make an effort for her.  I make my way to the beach and see her siting down on the sand. I sit next to her and she looks at me and says " noah I really like you as more than a friend, I can't deny it anymore, oz and Lori don't understand why we're so close and I don't think they ever will". I look at her and say " I really like you to Kaylee as more than a friend, i mean I'd be crazy not to, your absolutely gorgeous inside and out". She smiles and starts leaning in, so do I. It's amazing, it's like fireworks, I pull her onto my lap we break apart wit our foreheads pressed together and she says " so noah potts do you want to be my boyfriend?". I smile and say " id love to". We kiss and then get up and walk back to the hotel holding hands. I go back to my room a,d she says " I could go in for a bit we have adjoining rooms so I can go into my room to get changed for dinner". I let her in, she lays on my bed, I lay next to her a,d we cuddle, I'm so happy she felt the same and that Kaylee marsden is now my girlfriend".

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