First day at music school

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Noah's pov
I'm so nervous today is my first day at music school' I know kaylee is here but she won't be with me in evrey lesson. We have lost,of our lessons together. She says " hey I know it's scary, I was so nervous last year but the main reason I came back is because I missed you, I'll be with you evrey step of the way". She points me in the direction of my first class, music production, she kisses me and says " good luck you'll be fine, you're going to love it here". I go into my first class and I really enjoy it, we learn the basics to producing a song, this place is definatly going to help me become a better producer. I go into my secound lesson which is maths. I see kaylee with a seat next to her, I sit next to her and get out the stuff I need. She looks at me and says " you're better prepared then I thought you'd be". The teacher hasn't come in yet, I look at her and say " we'll love can make you do crazy things, the only thing is I'm mostly crazy about you". She smiles holds my hand and says " okay now that was just soppy but I loved it, just not as much as I love you".

Kaylees pov
I'm in my last lesson sat wpnext to noah. We get set some homework to do some research on various musical artists, and put what we found in a presintatioion. It needs to include where they call from, their musical influences and there most popular songs me and Noah are given Elvis. After the lesson we go back to the student acomadation, me and Noah are shareing and the school understands. We do the presentation have dinner then watch tv. My hapend is rested on Noah's chest. I kiss him and say "you have no idea how long I've wantend to do things like this with you". He starts playing with my hair and says " kayls it's amazing we can just be like this together, doing normal couple things, we just need to arange our first date". I say " what about next week after school" he kisses me and says "sounds perfect". Later I'm in my bed, Noah comes in to voice me a kiss goodnight . I message skye for a bit, she's confessed to me she likes Ben again, I'm trying to encourage her to tell him. Later I can't get to sleep, I think I'm missing Noah's cuddles. I go into his room, he wakes up, lifts the covers up and I get in. He wraps me up in his arms and I immediately fell better, I think sharing a bed is the way to go because I can tell he missed me to.

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