Oneshot 3

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Kaylee and Noah go to music school together. They share an apartment. There just best friends. Kaylee and Noah's tutor has picked up on the crush noah has on,Kaylee and tells him to tell her how he fells before it's to late. When they get back to the apartment noah tells Kaylee how he fells , will she feel the same?.

Kaylees pov
Noahs hot but he's with madi they went on a few dates . I love noah as more than a friend I always have and always will. Noah comes out of his room and says " dont give me the lecture I know I shouldn't have taken madi out in the first place". What is he on about if they're have finished then they only lasted a week . I say " what happened ?". He says " we decided to be friends , it wouldn't have been fair on either of us if I cared on pretending to have fellings for her when I have fellings for someone else". I shower and get dressed, who could be the girl Noah has fellings for, it can't be me because I'm way to ugly for him.

Noahs pov
Tutor has just finished mrs shaw asks me to stay behined she says " please tell kaylee how you fell, before it's to late, beutiful girls like her don't stay single for long". I need to tel, her how I fell tonight right now I need to focus on scholl. It's lunch I'm sat with kaylee and she says " who is it then?". I look at her and say " I'll explain after school". Scholl finashes and I see kaylee leaving her last lesson. We walk back to the apartment together and as soon as I get in I say " it's you kayls its always been you, I'm so in love with you it hurts". She looks at me and says " are you serious?". I nod and say I'm not expecting you to say anything back because you're beutiful and I'm just me". She says " Noah I have loved you as more than a friend for years". We lean in and my god it's the best kiss I've ever had. I break aprt and she says " Noah potts will you be my boyfriend?". I smile and say" it's been a yes for three years kaylee marsden that is never going to change". Later we're in the sofa watching a movie kaylee is laying on my chest, I pause the movie and kiss her she kisses back, I've never been so happy".

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