Noah gets injured/Oz comes back for kaylee

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Noahs pov
I wake up, to an empty bed, kaylee helping out at the lodge today as it's busy and me and Ben are going to go biking together . I offered I know it's risky but he wanted to go and I offered to go with him. I get my biking gear I have gone biking a few times with Ben before. I meet Ben at the jumps him.and Sean made. Ben says " don't worry I won't make you do the jump. Kaylee said she's going to check on how things are going later. It's going really well until I land a jump awkwardly and,I think I twisted my ankle. Ben helps me up and says " mate I'm so sorry let's get you to hospital I'll call kaylee". I say " no I want to see kaylee first". Ben calls Ed and tells him what's happened. Ed picks us up, he says noah, just,to warn you, oz is back he's flirting with kaylee , she's explained she loves you but he isn't listening" . I'm so anoyed with oz, he just think he can get what he wants well he can't" . We get to the lodge and oz kisses kaylee she slaps him and says " get out I love noah , he's worth ten of you ". That's made me fell beter. Oz try's to explain but skye asks him to leave.

Kaylees pov
As oz is geting his things I see noah, I compleatly forgot I said I'd check in on them. Hang on why is Ben holding noah up I run out and say " what happened?". Ben says " he landed awkwardly after a jump, I think he's twisted his ankle, he didn't want to go to hospital without seing you we've called an ambulance". Ed says " go with him let us know how he is thanks for today". The ambulance arives and we go to the hospital. I ask my dad to put cushions on the sofa as I don't think he's going to be able to make it up to my room. He  agreess to do it and offers to pick us up. Noahs ankle is sprained. My dad picks us up and I help noah get back in and get him some ice for his foot. I look at him and say " do you need anything else?". He smiles and says "just you,,thanks for what you said to oz, it cheered me up". I kiss him a,d say " noah I love you and only you, I'm staying down here until you can make it up to my room". He opens up the blanket and has saved a space for me. I get int the space and say " if at any point your ankle starts hurting just tell me and I'll sleep on the chair".

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