Christmas/ kaylee proposes to noah

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Noahs pov
Kaylees been acting really weird recently, i wounder what's going on. She wakes up kisses me and says " merry christmass babe". I look at her and say " what s going on babe you've been acting raeally weird recently". She says " okay you got me, I was going to do this later but I gues I'll do it now". I'm so confused right now she gets out of bed pull out a ring box and gets down on one knee and says" I have your parents permission so noah potts you're the most, hilarious, hot kind loyal,caring, loving, thoughtful and talented person I've ever met, and you're my best friend so will you marry me?". I kiss her and say " yes a trillion times yes, I love you so much kayls and I'm never going to let you forget it". I get the presents I got for her from Jacobs room and she gets the presents she got for me from Emma's room. I give her her presents first. ( clothes,shoes perfume,jewellery makup and lots of other things).  She kisses me and says " thank you so much fiancé". She gives me my pressents (clothes hoddies,shoes,aftershave, two pictures of us one on my 18th and the other on hers and lots of other things).

Kaylees pov
We shower and get changed. Noah gives me the ring back and says " so you can do it the way you wanted to". I say " no the way I done it was perfect, I love you so much noah and to me and so many others you're just perfect, don't you ever forget that". We come out of my roommmy family see the ring and congratulate us. When we arive at the lodge skye and Ben hug us and Ben says " hang on Kaylees already proposed?". I say " yes she did this morning of course I said yes". Both Ben and skye go mental hugging us there so happy for us, I can't quite believe I'm marrying the love of my life" we have a delicous christmass dinner and spend the rest of the day together. I decide to get some fresh air. I can't understand how kaylee thinks I'm worth spending the rest of her life with". I fell some arms wrap around me and kaylee says " I know yo have doubts but I'm telling you noah I love you with evreything I have I wouldn't have proposed if I didn't and I. Going to spend the rest of my life trying to make you happy, you're the one for me noah pots no one comes close". I pull kayls closer to me and say " kaylee marsden what the hell did I do to deserve someone like you, i can't wait to marry you".

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