Noah looks after a sick kaylee

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Noahs pov
I wake up to see kaylee looking so sick, I do,t think she is going to be in today. I call mrs shaw and let her know she says " thanks for letting me know, you look after her and yourself today and I hope she feels better soon". Kaylee wakes up, looks at me and says " I need to get ready for school". I look at her and say " you're not going anywhere today, I'm looking after you , ive called mrs shaw and she said to look after you today". She looks at me and says " I'm sorry". I say " you have absolutely nothing to be sorry about babe, there's nothing wrong with me prioritising you over school you're more important". She smiles a bit, and yawns" I say "get some more sleep, it will help". She looks at me and says " can you sleep to, I want to fell your body warmth". I blow her a kiss and say " of course I can, you can have my hoddie you stole". She laughs and I give it o her, she falls asleap, I get under the covers and fall back asleap, hopping she fells beter when she wakes up.

Kaylees pov
I wake up felling beter, noah wakes up at the same time and smiles at me. I really appreciate him doing this for me today. He says " do you fell like eating?". I nod and he says " righ5 I.l make you some lunch, choose something on Disney plus to watch the password is kayls obviously ". If it wasn't sick I'd give him,a huge kiss right now because that is adorable. I get his iPad and choose descendants 2. He comes back in with some soup crackers,honey and lemon and some water. He's so sweet, he gives me the tray and starts the movie. After the movie I'm compleatly better. He puts his arms around me and says " as much as I want to kiss you right now, I'm not going to I think I should stay in the spare room tonight". I smile and say " are you sure you can resist me for that long?". He says " I'm going to have to, night babe love you". I blow him a kiss and say " love you more". I go back to sleep, noah is in my dreams we have a family and are married, it's weird because it would be quite literally a dream come true.

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