Valentines day

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Kaylees pov
I wake up on Valentine's Day, we're having g a valentines party this afternoon. We have to bring a date and Me and noah are going together obviously. Today is a day of school but me and Noah offered to help out setting the hall up. I fancy some sex before cards and presents. Noah wakes up and says " happy Valentine's Day babe , what would you like to do first?". I look at him and say " you".he smiles gets a condom and gets on top of me. We kiss and start ripping each other clothes off, we have talked about e getting pregnant at my age and Noah said he'd support me, I think a couple more years then we,can start trying. Later we're naked under the covers I kiss him and say " best sex ever". We put our tops back in and get the cards and pressents for eachother. He gives me my card first ( to my kayls, I know I've given you a valentines card before but that was diferent, now I'm actually your boyfriend and I've run out of ways to describe just how much you mean to me, perfect is our song because your perfect, I'm so proud to be you're boyfriend love your mr Potts xxxxxxx).

Noahs pov
Kaylee kisses me and says " thank you so much Noah , you're preety perfect to". I give her the pressents I got her ( clothes, perfume, jewlery, chocolate,sweets,a cuddly bear and some flowers ". She hugs me and thanks me. She gives me my card ( to my mr potts, I can't wait to be mrs potts one day just in human form, i mean it Noah you're the one for me and Alyssa will be love kayls). I kiss her and say " thank you so much kayls, you're the best girlfriend ever". She gives me the pressents ( clothes, aftershave, chocolates, sweets, a cuddly toy and a,picture of us on New Year's Eve". We shower and get dressed. Kayls let's me do her hair and makeup . We have breakfast and then help set up the party. Mrs shaw comes up to me and says " she's amazing isint she". I say " yeah she really is". She says " you two were made for eachother". Later at the party perfect by Ed shearan comes on I say " may I have this dance?". She says " of course you may". We dance in the middle of the dance floor and I do,a lift I can tell she enjoys it, I put her down slowly we laugh and she kisses me and says " best Valentine's Day ever without a shadow of a doubt".

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