Kaylee writes a song for noah

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Noah's pov
I sup and come out of my room to see kaylee making breakfast. I creep up behined her and wrap my arms around her waist. She turns around smiles and says " well mr Potts we still have a few hours before our first lesson, make your way to my room and I'll be with you in a few minuites". Breakfast is delicious, kaylee looks a bit nervous I say " are you okay?". She says " yes just thinking about s9ngwriting class we need to rewrite a song about something that means something to us". I hold her hand and say" you'll figure it out, you alwazpys do, i want to hear what my beautiful, intelligent, incredible and talented girlfirend has written when you have performed it for the class". She kisses me and says " oh trust me , you'll hear it". We kiss amd she wraps her arms around me we makeout for half an hour". We got to our lesson, I kiss kaylee before she goes into songwriting and say " just know I'm some proud of you and I know whatever you've written is perfect". She says " thanks noah, for believing in me even when I didn't believe in myself, you really are the best boyfriend ever". Her teacher smiles as sh3 walks into class, I think she heard our conversation, we have made a few friends here but nothing like Ben,Skye,Sean,Danielle,Alex and josh.

Kaylees  pov
I sing my song , I wrote it about Noah, it describes the way fell about him but I'm to scared to tell him. After class finishes, the teacher looks at me and says " that song was incredible, Noah's a verry lucky boy and you two male a lovley couple". Later school has finished for the day. I walk back to mine and Noah's apartment to see him with a beutiful boquet of flowers. I kiss him and put them in a vase. I look at him and ask him to sit down, before I play the song I say " this is for you, I know struggle saying how I fell, so I decided to pit it in a song". I start playing my guatair and sing " he's been my best friend since the age of two, but we grew to be so much more, I love evreything about him even his jokes, he's my future husband and the father of my kids, he's my biggest supporter and I know our love is forever". ( there were a few more lines but just a little insight). He has tears in his eyes I sit next to him and say " i me,t evrey single word in that song ". He kisses me and says " oh kayls what am I going to do to top,that". I kiss him and say " just be yourself the noah Potts, I am completely and utterly in love wit, and the im I'm so proud to call my boyfriend".

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