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Noahs pov
Tonight is prom I can't wait for it. It's the perfect way to end our year at music scholl. Recent Abby one of Kaylees friends has been flirting with me. I need to tell kaylee about it. She looks at me and says " what's up babe?". I look at her and say " Abby's been flirting with me for a few weeks now it's anoying me, I keep telling her I'm with you but she's been saying she's better and prettier and just been really disrespectful towards you , I've been freaking out about how you're going to react". She kisses me and says " it's okay I'll deal with Abby, you do know she's the one,that told me to yell,at you when we had the fight, I wanted a Normal conversation but she told me to yell at you a,d said it's was the least you deserved". Now I'm.even more anoyed with her, i mean who does she think she is telling kaylee what to do just so she can get into my bed. Kaylee leaves, she kisses me and says " see you at 4:30, I'm going to miss you". I,say "not as much as I'll miss you".

Kaylees pov
I see Abby and slap her , I say "you bitch pretending to be my friend whilst trying to get worn noah the whole time, the fight was your fault, I wanted a normal conversation with him but you said no the least he deserves is to be shouted at, I should never have listened to you".  I get changed into my dress and have my hair and makup done. I hear a knock on the door I answer it to see Noah. He says "kayls you look incredible ". I kiss him and let him in. Later we're at prom. Dancing and just having an amazing time. Me and Noah's are crowned prom,queen and prom king. We do our dance to my favourite song. It fells amazing to be dancing with the person you love more than anything to your favourite song. Prom finishes and we go back to the apartment and get changed for the afterparty. At the afterparty we play truth or dare and I'm dared to do a strip tease for a person of my choice in the bathroom. I obviously pick kayls, she lock the door and I start taking my clothes off in a sexy way she says " oh my god I'm a verry lucky girl". I kiss her and pick her up so her legs are wrapped around my waist.

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