Skye and ben visit

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Noah's pov
We wake up, in our bed. I moved into Kaylees room at the apartment last week. Todays a non pupil day for school and skye and Ben are visiting the place for the first time. We're going into the city on a double date and then there staying over tonight .I fell some movement beside me and start tickling Kaylee. She's laughing hysterically, I continue tickling her, I only stop when I land on top of her. She kisses me and I kiss back we makout for half an hour then shower and get dressed. Kaylee cooks breakfast for us. I come in to see her burn herself, i runs and turn the tap on she puts her hand under it. The burn isn't to bad , I finish breakfast . She says " thanks babe, I know how scary it was for you". I say " it's okay in those situations you just have to act fast and that's what I did ". We hear a few knocks on our door. Kaylee answers it to see Ben and skye we hug them and show them around the school. Mrs shaw motions for us to come in and we introduce Ben and skye to her.

Kaylees pov
We get the bus into the city, skye takes lots of pictures of us, which we're okay with. The first thing we do is go shopping, I can tell the boys do not enjoy this but there doing it for me and skye which I really apreciate. After shopping we go for lunch which is delicous. After lunch we go bowling. Noah wins, I'm happy for him, he wanted to win and he did. We play. A few more games as it is for games. The last thing we do is go karting. I win, noah comes secound. We get back to the apartment, order takaway and watch a few movies. Noah starts playing with my hair, I look at him and he says " sorry babe, it jus fells so nice and soft". I laugh and ad say " don't apologise, you can do this whenever you want". Later I'm in bed, Noah joins me. I kiss him, he kisses back and I get on top of him. He has one hand in my hair and the other,on my bum, it fells nice. I break,aprt smile and say " I missed that today". He wa raps me up in his arms like I'm a baby koala and says "me to kayls, I love you so much and I'm never going to let anyone or anything come between us".

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