Start of sixth form at music school

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Noahs pov
Todays our first day in sixth form. Mrs shaw I still our tutor which I'm relieved about a,d I think kaylee is to. I can't wait for this next year, whatever it brings. I fell kaylee stroking my back, I don't say anything because it's so cute I don't want her to stop. She says " I know you're awake, the only reason you didn't say it is because I was stroking you're back well I haven't stoped and I'm not going to". I smile and she kisses me. We shower and get dressed. We go into tutor and mrs shaw welcomes us back and says we'll just be in here today. It's our free period, kaylee takes my hand and leads into the apartment. She says we have " 30 minuites , what do you want to do". I kiss her she kisses back and leads me into the spare room. I put my hands under her top, I can tell she's enjoyed it because she moans. We go back to class, kaylee blushes and smiles. I smile and say " kayls thank you so much, you could have picked anyone". She kisses me and says " I picked you because I knew I'd never fell this way about anyone else,Noah this is me telling you honestly I'm in love with you and I have been for years".

Kaylees pov
Noah smiles and says " and you call me soppy". I blush and say " I'm just telling you the truth noah, it's how I feel , I know I find it hard to express my emotions but when I'm with you the overriding emotion I fell is joy". Noah kisses me and says " you really are the best girlfriend ever". In the last hour of school we're tasked to write a song and record it. I'm really proud of the song I write, it's about struggling with mental health and thers one person who's always there for you. It's about me and Noah, I mean I do struggle with my mental health not as much as I used to, Noah's made sure of that". Later we're on the sofa, Noah is laying on my chest with my permission. I stroke his hair and he says " I'm just glad I could help you through that time babe". I kiss him and say " you done more than that Noah, you've made me the happiest I've ever been, I know you don't think it's much, all the little things like saying I love you, all the kisses, the hugs when you know I need one, but all of them mean evreything to me , just like you do ".

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