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Noahs pov
I wake up on Christmas Day to an empty bed. I can hear voices outside the door. It opens to reveal kaylee and Jacob ( Kaylees little brother). They jump on the bed and hug me. Jacob hoes and kaylee says " I'll just be a minute I just need to find my pressents from you". Jacob comes in holding them, I laugh and say " they were in his wardrobe". Kaylee gets her pressents for me.and gets under the covers. I kiss her and say " merry Christmas babe". We're going to the lodge later like we did last year.  I let her open my pressents to her first ( clothes, shoes, perfume,bag,makeup, jewellery, a photo of us on our aniversery and a few other things". She kisses me and says " thank you so much baby". She gives me my presents from her ( clothes ,shoes, aftershave, a hoddie as sh3s always stealing mine, a,d lots of other things including a picture of us on Kaylees birthday taken by Jacob). I kiss her and say " thank you so much baby you're the best girlfriend ever". We shower together and get dressed, kaylee struggles with the zip of her dress so I do it up for her.

Kaylees pov
We make our way to the lodge, josh and Alex hug us and wish us a merry christmass. I see skye, she runs up to me a,d hugs me, we got back from music shcool yesterday so haven't seen her or Ben yet. I say " it's so good to see you and be back in the lodge, this place hasent changed". She smiles and says " but something has". I look down and,e her baby bump. I hug her and,say " that's amazing you and Ben must be so excited".  We have a delicous christmass dinner, I'm sat next to Noah and Jacob. Later we're playing games and Ben and skye sk to speak to us privately. We gointo the juice bar and skye says " we'd like you both to be godparents ". We hug both of them and agree. We go back in and Noah starts playing with my hair. I smile at his cuteness and say " you know you can do this whenever you want babe, you don't nee permission". He kisses me and says " I know, it was just to tempting, you know I cant resist anything about yo".

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