Secound aniversery/ kaylee tells noah how special he is to her

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Noahs pov
I wake up on our secound aniversery. I look over to see kaylee still sleeping I decide to make her breakfast in bed. I go downstairs and start cooking. Ounce the breakfast is done I make a cup of tea for my special girl and take it up to her room. When I get back to her room she's up,ipa d looks surprised to see me . She says " what's all this?". I smile and say " as it's our secound aniversery I thought I'd treat you". I give her the breakfast and she thanks me. After breakfast she gets her present for me ( a picture of us with Marcus Rashford). I laugh and give her her present from me. It's a picture of us with Taylor swift. She laughs and says " as if we both got eachother the same thing, I know it's not much but we spoil eachother all year round". She's right, we're going mountain biking today. As our aniversery date, it's something we both love to do, since kaylee went for the first time last year. We both make post on instagram. Kaylee kisses me and says " happy aniversery baby". I kiss back,and say " I'm surprised you've put up with me for two years, even if we dated for a day it would've been enough for me".

Kaylees pov
I look at Noah and say " of course I've put up with you, Noah you have no idea how much I love you, you're my world, the one that makes me complete and my life is a better life with you in it". He looks shocked, I kiss him and he says " I mean that much to you". I say " of course you do, I just wish you could se yourself the way I do". We get showered and dressed. We go biking, I really enjoy it, i mea, a,time spent with Noah I love but this is actually really fun. I thinking of atememting the big jump, Ben and shaw built. Noah whispers ,you,can just not do it if your nervous". I say " no I'm going to do it, I can't let fear controll my life". I do it and I make the lading. Noah runs over picks me up and spins me around.  I take my helmet off and he puts me down. I kiss him and say " you made me the person and mu Ian I am today Noah, don't ever forget that". He looks at me and says " miracles do happen, kaylee marsden has been my girlfriend for two years".

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