Skye gives birth

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Kaylees pov
my phone goes of  in the middle of the night, it's Ben he says " kayls it's skye she's in labour , only women are aloud in the room she's asking for you, bring Noah" I say " I'll be right there". I wake noah up,and explain what's going on. We rush out of bed, quickly get showered and dressed. Dad comes in and says " what's going on?". I say " dad we need to go Skye's in labour she's asking after me and Ben has asked me t9 bring Noah". He says " okay , I won't be expecting you back until tonight". We rush downstairs and I drive us to the hospital. We run to Skye's waiting room, and Noah's sits d9wn and Ed says " only women are allowed in there, please just let her know we're all here and she can do this". I go in she smiles and has a contraction. I hold her hand and skye " deep breaths, you can do this, Noah,ben, your dad and grandad are in the waiting room, there all so proud of you". She says " I'm not sure if I can be a mum". I say " of course you can, you will people to support you" . The midwife says "one last push skye". She pushes and her beutiful baby boy comes out. I hug her and say " I'll go and get ben, your dad and grandad".

Noahs pov
Kaylee comes out and says " she wants to see you three, she's had a beutuful and healthy baby boy". I sit down next to Noah, he wraps an arm around me and says " we have a godson". I rest my head on his shoulder and say " yes we do babe, I can't wait for our kids to be best friends with theirs ". Ed comes out and so does Patrick, Ed says " she wants you both to meet James". What a perfect name for a perfect boy.  We go in and he's beutuful. Skye gives him to kaylee first and then kaylee gives him to me. Me,Kaylee,skye and Ben have a picture with him.  A couple of hours later we decide to leave but promise to come round tomorrow. Kaylee drives us home we go up to her room and fall alseap cuddle if we're both verry tired. We wake up at midday, put some new clothes on, have some food and head to the hospital. I see Ben holding James and he says " she asked me to leave, I don't know what's wrong with her". Kaylee looks at me a,d says " she's probably having doubts, she has been throughout the pregnancy but didn't want to worry you". Ben thanks kaylee and give James to her. We wait in the waiting room with James, he's so cute.

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