Jade and jayden jades 18th

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Jades pov
I wake up on my 18th to see jayden smileing at me. He says " happy birthday babe, your family agreed we could go downstairs when we wanted to". I get on top of him and say " well in that case". I get onto his lap so he's pinned to the bed and kiss him, he kisses back we make out for ten minuites. He gets out of bed and brings the pressents in, I see a card ballon's a mountain of pressents and my favourite flowers in a vase. I look at him and say " babe you really didn't need to do all this for me". He kisses me and says " of course I did, you deserve it and don't act like you don't have similar ideas for my birthday". We're having a party later with friends and family. He gives me the card ( to Jade happy birthday, when we met, we both knew we liked eachother but I was in the realationship with molly and decided to,put her happiness over mine, that was a mistake and im so sorry, watching you grow over the years as a person and an actress has been nothing short of incredible, I love you so much Jade and I'm so proud to call you my girlfirend love jayden).

Jayden's pov
Jayden in tears by the end of the card, I kiss her and say " I mean it babe it really has been the best nearly four years of my life". She kisses me and says " thank you so much babe , best boyfriend ever". I give her the pressents I got her " clothes, perfume, shoes, makeup jewellery and a photo album with photos of us in it". I put a post on instagram wit a caption " happy 18th birthday to the one person who makes me complete, Jade I love you so much and I'm so proud of evreything you do and the person you are xxxxxxxxxx". Later at the party I can tell jades having a great time, Luke comes over to me and says " she is so special isn't she". I say " yeah she really is". Later after the party I'm helping clear up, jades mum says " she's on the roof, I think she might want company" I go up to the roof to see her in the swing chair I join her, she intertwines our hands and says " thank you so much for today, I don't really fell like gong back in".I say " so let's not, we can sleep here tonight get a blanket and just relax". I get a blanket, and sit next to her, she kisses me and takes my shirt off.

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