Jade and jayden official

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Jades pov
I'm so nervous today im going to ask jayden to be my boyfriend. We've been on a few dates and they've all gone really well. Our cast mates and familes know and are okay with it as long as we're happy there happy. I come out of my trailer on set to see Sophie she hugs me and says " don't worry me and Luke are decorating exactly like you wanted the others are distracting jayden", I hug her and say thank you so much". Filming Is done for the day it's just time to chill out. I go to the tree where me and jayden hang out, it's our spot . Which is why I'm asking him here. I see him walking towards our spot, he see me and his face is a picture. I laugh and he says " what are you doing here?". I take his hand and say jayden reverie, you are the sweetest, hottest,most hilarious, loving, caring,caring and thoughtful person I've ever met as I was just woundering if you wanted to be my boyfriend?".  HE smiles and says " of course I will I love you jade aleyne ". I kiss him and say " I love you to jayden revri". We go back to my trailer and chill for a bit then fall asleep hugging.

Jayden's pov
I wake up the next day, still in jades trailer. We're halfway through filming season three and I need to get back to my trailer and get changed before filming starts today". I send jade a text saying " sorry babe, I had to get back, I promise I'll try and make it up to you later xxxxxxxxxxx". I go back to my trailer and get showered and dressed. I go onto set, I see jade she smiles when she sees me. I have a few scenes with her today. One of the scenes is a kissing scene. The kissing scene is just before lunch, we have twenty minutes until we nee to film it. Jade takes to the basement where we're filming it a,d says " you said you'd make up for it". I kiss her she kisses back, I fall back on the sofa with her on top of me. We makeout for five minutes then decide to stop. We're filming the scene, the special thing about this is it's noah and Kaylees first kiss and it's really passionate. Jade kisses me, I kiss back and pull her onto my lap and we continue kissing. When the diercter says cut, my top is off and so is jades. She blushes, the crew goes a,d,I whisper, don't be embaresed you look absolutely beautiful babe".

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