Kaylee gives noah a promise ring

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Kaylees pov
I've got something for Noah, his cancer scare showed me just how much I love him. If he did have cancer then I don't know what I'd do. I'd try my best to support him but also it would be killing me inside, seing him dying slowly. Noah wakes up, kisses me and says " what's going on in that beutiful head of yours ?". I smile at his adorableness and say " you'll find out latter, I'm sorry but I want to do it tonight". He pulls me into him and says " don't you dare apologise, I'm just being a concerned boyfriend, I can wait until tonight to find out". That's what I love about him, he gives me space when I need it, he understands me when I say I want to talk about things later on. After my first lesson mrs shaw as,s me to stay behined. She says " I've emailed your tutor and let them now you're going to be late, now Noah's cancer scare, how do you feel?". I say " I don't know, it was so scary, the thought I could lose him before my twenties was terrifying, I love him so much and I don't know how I'd have coped if it was cancer, he's evreything to me, I can't imagine my life without him in it". She hugs me and says " kaylee that was really brave, if you ever want to talk about it, you know where I am".

Noahs pov
I wounder what mrs shaw wanted to speak to kaylee about. I'm really woried about her, I can tell she's hiding something from me . Later I'm in my last lesson, I'm sat next to kaylee. I can tell thers something bothering her and I decide to do her work for her,with the teachers permission. Later it's the end of the day, kaylee says " wait there , I'll explain evreything in just a minuite". She goes into our room and comes out with a ring she gets down on one knee and says " I'm not proposing yet it's a promise ring, I promise that one day I will marry you, you're cancer scare was the wake up call I needed, I promise to look after you when you're Ill, and most of all I promise to support whatever decision you make about you're future because you mean everything to me Noah pots and I love you with everything I have". She places the ring on my finger, I pick her up so her legs are wrapped around my waist and say " I love you more kaylee marsden, now I think the bedroom is calling us". I run into the bedroom with her still attached to me me, she ps laughing, we make love.

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