Noahs 17th

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Noah's pov
I wake up on my birthday and see Kaylees not here, she's probably showering, I haven't mentioned it to her because I didn't want her to make a fuss of me. I see her coming back in with pressents a card and ballon's. She laughs and says " you might of forgot to mention it babe but that doesn't mean I forgot about your birthday ". I ca t help but smile at her adorableness, of course she remembered . She says " now I know you don't like to be made a big fuss of but tough I'm going to today". She gives me the card ( to Noah, happy birthday, what can I say about you that I haven't already, I love you more than anything or anyone, don't ever change because you're perfect just the way you are, I'm so proud to be your girlfriend live you're kayls). I kiss her and say " thank you so much kayls you're the best girlfriend ever". She says " i might have mentioned something to mrs shaw and told your teachers today". I start tickling her, she's laughing hysterically, I honestly don't know what I done to deserve this amazing, beutiful and talented girl I have the honour to call my gorlfirend.

Kaylees pov
Of course I remembered Noah's birthday, what sort of girlfriend would I be if I hadn't. We shower and get dressed, I'm giving Noah his presents later. There might be one more if he behaves well today. We go into our tutor and mrs shaw calls Noah up to the front. I know he doesn't like to be made a fuss of she gives him a card and a present. Later it's the end of the day Noah is still smiling. We get into the apartment and I say " present time, close you're eyes birthday boy". I go into our room and get the presents, and close all the curtains and lock the door. He opens them and I laugh and say " saving the best one till last". he opens the presents ( clothes,aftershave,shoes,an Apple Watch a,d lots of other litle things). He approaches me picks me up so my legs are wrapped around his waist and kisses me, I kiss back,,he Cary's me into our room.and we make love. We end the night by putting our clothes back on and having a takeaway whilst watching tv, he kisses me and says " thank you so much for today, I know you say it icing much but it meant everything to me, ounce agin you showed me how much you care". I kiss him and say " I'd have thought I'd Made that obvious, even when we weren't totgether I'd go to extreme lengths to male you fell special on your birthday".

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