Kaylees pregnancy scare

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Kaylees pov
I wake up felling sick, my period is late. Oh no I could be pregnant, I'm not even 17 yet and I could be up the duff. Im not telling noah, he'll leave me and say " I should have been more careful". I text skye and explain what's going on, she says " tell Noah, he might not be angry , you cant keep something like this from him". I shower and get dressed. I need to leave early to go to the pharmacy and buy a test. I go into my tutor, I sit next to my friend at the front. Noah looks at me and can tell I'm hiding something from him. Later our tutor finashes mrs shaw asks to speak to me and Noah. She says " what's going on between you two, you always sit together, kaylee would you like Noah to leave the room a,d you can tell me". I nod , Noah puts his hand on my shoulder and says " whatever it is babe I'm here for you". He leaves and I look at mrs shaw and say " I think I might be pregnant, i woke up felling sick and I missed my period". Mrs shaw says " tell Noah, he deserves to know and then you can take a test and if you are then you can make a decision, I don't havie a class this lesson I already told your teachers ath at you and Noah aren't going to be in your next lessons ".

Noah's pov
Mrs shaw comes out and says " please just be careful with her, she's verry emotional ". I go in and hold Kaylees hand she looks at me and says " I think I might be pregnant, I woke up,felling sick and my period is late". I pull Kyle into a hug and say " thank you for telling me,,let's go back to the apartment, you can take a test and if you are I'll support whatever decision you make". She hugs me and I help her up and we walk hand in hand back to the apartment. Ounce she's taken the test she asks me to be in there, we wait for a few minuites and the test is negative. Kaylee kisses me and says " thank you so much babe, I'm so impressed with how you dealt with this, now come on we don't,want to be late for our thired lesson".

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