Jade and jayden going public

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Jades pov
I wake up in Jayden's bed. I arived late last night so I didn't see his family. Today we've agreed to go public, there are lots of people shipping us anyway. I fell jayden playing with my hair. I smile and say "you can do this anytime you want to babe it's cute". He gets on top of me and pins me to the bed. He says " it may be cute,but it's got nothing on you, now before you meet my family as my girlfriend, and go public, I'd like a makout first ". I kiss him he kisses back and we makeout for five minuits. We go downstairs and see his family, I know they love me but I was still nervous, now me and jayden are official I thought they'd be a bit more protective of him but there not. Jayden's mum hugs me and says " don't worry we all know how much jayden means,to you and we know you won't hurt him". I hug her and say thanks Michelle". After breakfast I shower and get dressed. I have my post announcing min and Jayden's relationship ready so does he we agreed to do it at the same time. Jayden comes into his room, hugs me and says " you ready babe?".

Jayden's pov
Jade nods we both post the pictures and caption at the same time, there is talk of us getting a joint account aswell. The reaction has been amazing to us dating I know Jade was quite nervous so I think she relieved with the reaction. Today we're going bowling and playing minigolf with the family. I drive myself Jade and my sister to the bowling alley, my sister is 16, she was so happy when I said me and Jade were dating. Jade gets on with all my siblings but especially her. We go bowling first and Jade beets me, I don't know how it happend but it did. We go to the mu golf place next and me and Jade are tied going into the final hole. I get a 2. I'm happy I don't think Jade can get a whole in one. Jade has her go and gets a whole in one. The others are in hysterics, I go up to her, she hugs me and says " sorry babe ". I say " don't be you were the better golfer and bowler". Later we're in bed watching tv about to go th bed, Jade kisses me and says " I've loved today babe, I can't wait for the rest of the week".

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