Holiday with ben and skye over the easter holidays

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Noahs pov
I wake up on our first day of holiday in Cornwall with Ben and skye. I turn over to see Kaylees bare back, yes we had sex last night so what. I start stroking it and writing I love you with my fingers. She smiles and says " that fells nice?". I get on top of her so she's pined to the bed and say " now I was going to do this later , make it more romantic but I can't wait, will you go to prom with me?". She kisses me and says " of course I will, you are perfect noah, the way you asked was perfect, I mean naked after doing it the night before is still very romantic and unique ". I laugh and kiss her,She kisses back and we stay like that for five minuites then shower together and get dressed. We go for a walk with Ben and skye, ben looks anoyed I say " what's wrong?". He says " Anna is back and trying to get back with Me,she won't take no, she knows we're together and it just so anoying ". I look at him and say " I'm so sorry as long as you and Skye are together she can't get you back". She says " thanks noah, You're cancer scare must have been scary". I say " it was for both of us but we got through it together".

Kaylees pov
Our airb&b has a hottub. I'm in it at the moment. Noah joins me, pulls me onto his lap and says " the view might be incredible but it's got nothing on the sheer beauty infornt of me, i mea, or kayls you're the one for me". I say " shut up and kiss me you idiot". He does exactly that. I kiss back, it's so nice to just get away for a bit before GCSEs which I'm incredibly nervous for". Later we get out the hot-tub and get ready for dinner. Dinner is delicous, we head back to,the airb&b and watch tv. I fell Noah's litle friend saying high and whisper to him, go into our room, I'll folow". I folow him into our room and shut the door. He's about to apologise but I kiss him before he can. He kisses back, I undo his trousers and suck his dick. We don't go all the way hust far enough to satisfy both our needs.

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