Kaylees 18th

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Kaylees pov
I wake up on my 18th, I see Noah smileing and he kisses me and says " happy birthday babe, todays a day off, Ben and skye arived last night we're going up into town today, your families are meeting us for the meal later". I kiss him and say " thank you babe for organising this". Skye's comes in carrying balloons and Ben caries in the pressents and card. They both hug me and skye says " happy birthday kayls, our present and card for you is in our room, we'll leave you lovebirds to it". I have a suprise for Noah on Christmas Day I'm going to propose to him. I asked his parents permission a,d they agreed . Noah gives me the card . ( to my kayls happy birthday, 18, you're an adult, you can legally buy a drink, you're the most, beutiful, kind, loyal,caring, loving, thoughtful, amazing,talented and inspirational person I've ever met, I love you so much and I'm so proud to be your boyfriend love noah). I kiss him and say " thank you so much noah you're honestly the best boyfriend ever". He kisses me and says " you deserve to be treated today and that's exactly what I'm going to do today".

Noahs pov
I give her the presents ( clothes,shoes,perfume, makeup, jewlery and lots of other things including alchahol). I she hugs me and thanks me for making her birthday so special. We get the tube into the city centre. Kaylees parents are driving us home. There staying at a hotel near here. We meet her parents and siblings, im close to,her sister as well but not as close as I am to Jacob.we go shoping and I buy kaylee,evreything she wants. We have a meal a,d kaylee has a few drinks. She has a glass of wine and two cocktails. She's not to drunk but she still had a good time it's the perfect way to be on your 18th, you don't want to be to drunk but you want to have a good time. Kaylees family drop us back at the shcool. We thank them and me, kaylee,skye and Ben head back to the apartment. Later I'm in bed kaylee joins me, she kisses me and says " thank you so much for today babe, it's been the best birthday I ever had". I say " well that's good, you deserved to be treated today, after evreything you've done for me".

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