Skye and ben chapter

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Skye's pov
I'm starting to reallly like Ben again. I know I messed it up the first time but we've got closer lately. Dad has got us working together today. I see him siting outside and say " are you okay, he says yeah are you ready to work together ". I look,at him and say " I'm really sorry I hurt you I know I made the wrong choice and if I could take it back I would". He hugs me and says "it's okay, I shouldn't have started something with Danielle when I still had feelings for you". We go in to the room where we're cleaning for the rest of our shift which is mine. I go into the bathroom and say Ben the shower is broken". He comes in and I turn it on and laugh hysterically,he's laughing towere both soaking wet. We both dry ourselfs, ounce we've done cleaning be. Looks at me and says " why don't we get back together, it's what we both want, we're both 16, I'm slightly older but this is what I want". I gpgold his hand and say " Ben I want that more than anything just me and you and Noah and kaylee, the four of us against the world" . He smiles and says " I'm sure your dad won't mind if I stayed a bit longer after my shift".

Bens pov
Skye does the blinds up and bites her lip and says " no neither do I you can even stay over. She locks the door and approaches me. I kiss her, she kisses back and I pick her up so her legs are wrapped around my waist. We fall back on the bed and start ripping each others clothes off. Later we're naked under the covers. Skye kisses me and says " that was amazing". I say " it sure was now skye hart will you be my girlfriend again?". She kisses me and says "of course I will, I love you Ben evans". I say " I love you to skye heart". We put our clothes back on I decide not to stay over but next time I definitely will. As she unlocks the door I kiss her one last time and say " I'll se you tomorow". I go downstairs to see Ed and he says " you were a long time up there, look Skye's a verry special girl , if you hurt her". I say " Ed I'd never hurt her, I love her so much, I can promise you I'll look after her".

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