First fight

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Kaylees pov
I go into my last lesson to see mrs shaw calling me over. She says " noah spoke to me yesterday it's okay to be scared of the exams but you both have you're place here for another two years even if you do bad, which I'm sure neither of you will". I look at her and say "thanks I'll speak to him latter". I'm absolutely furious how dare he just say how scared I am, I don't care what his excuse is , he knew I didn't want mrs shaw knowing and told her anyway. I'm going to give him a piece of my mind. I go back to the apartment and see Noah. He smiles and I yell " how dare you tell mrs shaw, you knew how scared I was and just told her anyway, it's almost like you don't care about me anymore". Noah says " I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have told her but you've been working so hard for your exam, I was worried about you, and I will always care about you even if we break up". I yell "I used to think that to, it's not your place to tell the tutor about how worried I am, just get out I can't stand the sight of you". As he leaves he says " you know if this is the end thank you , I'll treasure our relationship for the rest of my life". I'm in tears as he leaves I was such a bitch to him.

Noahs pov
Ben calls me and says " hey man , kayls told skye, I'm sorry, you were only trying to look out for her". I say " yes I was and it backfired spectacularly ". I chat to him for a few more minuites then see mrs shaw waving me over, She says " Kaylees in there she's pretty upset, she told me about your fight take as long as you need". I go into her classroom to see a verry tearful kaylee. She sees me and I open my arms, she runs into them and says " I'm so sorry about earlier, I was a bitch, I know you were just looking out for me, do you think you can forgive me?". I kiss her and say of course I can Kayls if you can forgive me and you weren't a bitch, I shouldn't have told mrs shaw". She kisses me and says " of course I can forgive you, let's go back and Noah know how much you care, I shouldn't have questioned it".

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