Visiting the lodge

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Kaylees pov
I'm on my way to Noah's, we got back late last night. I hear  shouting coming from the house, noah let's me in. I can tell he's upset . I say " if you two were any parents to Noah you'd realise he's upset and it's no wounder he hasent mentioned you two when we've been at music school because you  fighting all the time isint healthy for either of you". His dad yells " you stupid slut you honestly think you're good enough for our son well you're not and you never will be". Noah says " dad that's enough ,kaylee is absolutely beautiful and the love of my life, kayls wait outside, I'll get my things thers no way I'm staying here tonight or tomorow . I go upstairs pack a bag and text Ed he says I can take one if the rooms at the lodge tonight. I go outside to see kaylee crying I pull her into a hug and say " kayls just ignore them". She says " thanks for sticking up for me, I was just retrying to be a good girlfriend ". I kiss her dry her tears and say " you were being a good girlfriend, I love you so much kayls now let's go to the lodge".

Kaylees pov
As we enter Ed says " noah Ben and skye have just got your room ready if you want to go up". We're meeting Ben and skye latter. We go up to noahs room and chill for a bit. He looks at me and says " don't you want to do something with your familly?". I hold his hand and say "no, the understand why, thezpy love you noah, they've already said you can stay over tomorow night". He kisses me and says " I might just take them up on that offer, it's more time with you".  I say " I could always stay over tonight, they won't mind, I'm sure Ed won't, noah you're my number 1 priority ". I go back to mine and pack an overnight bag, then go back up to Noah's room to see Ben and skye. I hug both of them. We play football for a bit then go to the tree. I can see skye likes Ben again. Noah and Ben go and get supplies, I look at skye and say " when I told Noah how I felt I was so nervous, just tell him how you fell, it's obvious you like him again ". She says " I do but I hurt him so much with chasing Sean over him, I just wish I'd have chose him because my life would've been a lot easier".

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