Jade and jayden season four confirmed / first time

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Jayden's pov
The director of the lodge has asked to meet us. We go to the cafe in London where he asked to meet us. I really hope it's good news. Me a,d Jade have spoken about our first time and we said we'd do it when it felt right. We're staying in London this weekend at a hotel, with Luke and Sophie. We meet the director and he says " so basically, the thired series has really impressed critics and we've order a fourth season". We all go mental hugging eachother. Jade comes up to me I kiss her and say " I love you so much babe, the fact that we're spending more time together is amazing". She kisses me and says " completely,this is going to be amazing". The director says " we hope so because kaylee is going to propose to Noah, we thought it would be best if she done it, he says yes obviously ". Jade smiles at me , I kiss her and say " this is going to be so much fun, it will give us pr1tkce for the real thing". She looks at me and says " do you mean that?". I look at her brush the hair out of her face and say of course I mean it babe, I've pictured us married since I met you and I know I couldn't act on my feelings because of molly and your age but now I can and I will one day".

Jades pov
Okay what he just said was cheesy but I loved it. I think today is the day I'm going to loose my virginity. I just hope he has protection. We get to the hotel and check in, we're going out for dinner at six with Luke and sophie, it's two. I can think of a way to have fun. As soon as we get in I shut the door and push jayden gently against it. I say before you ask "yes this is what I want, I'm nervous but I'm ready, this will be my first time so I just hope you have protection. He pull out a condom, we both smile. I kiss him he kisses back and pick me up so my legs are warped around his waist. He caries me to the bed, lays me down gently . He opens the condom and,puts it on, I pull him down onto the bed and we start ripping each other's clothes off. Later after we've done it, we're naked under the covers I kiss jayden and say " I'm my god that was amazing, we're definitely doing that again.

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