Noah colapses in school/ cancer scare

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Noahs pov
I wake up felling like shit, I need to keep this from kaylee. Kaylee wakes up and sees I'm not okay  she says " go to school if you want to but I'm telling mrs show and if you fell like you can't be in the lessons anymore than just tell your teacher". I'm so relieved she understands and is being so nice, I feel so bad but I can't miss school. I have a bit of breakfast then shower and get dressed. Me and kaylee go,into,our tutor group for our first lesson. Mrs shaw agrees to tell my teachers to keep an eye on me today. She's such a great teacher, she puts the students first. Kaylee helps me with the first lesson I'm so grateful for her. She really is the best girlfriend ever and I'm so proud to call her mine. She walks me to my second lesson with mrs shaws permission and  says " babe if you fell worse then just tell the teacher and go back to the apartment, I'll be waiting for you after this class". I go into my secound lesson and immediately fell worse, i try to brush it off but then my vision gets blurry and everything goes black.

Kaylees pov
I'm in my secound lesson when Noah's teacher asks to,speak to me a,d mrs shaw, he explains noah colapsed in his lesson, he's called an ambulance. Mrs shaw tells me to go and she'll boook me a,d noah off for the rest of today and tomorow. I'm in the hospital waiting room when Noah's docter comes to me and says " we've explained to noah we need to do a few more tests, it could be a brain tumour, he asked to see you first". I go into his room give him.a kiss hold his hand and say " if it is then ill be with you evrey step of the way".  I go with him when he has the tests. Mrs shaw goes to the hospital and asks how he is. I say " they've done more tests, it could be a brain tumour we're just waiting for the results". She hugs me, our friends from the school are here. Noahs docter asks me to come back in, I go into Noah's room. The docter says " it's not a brain tumour, we will keep you in overnight as a precaution but for now at least it's good news". He leaves the room, Noah says " how are you felling?". I say " relieved, you've got to put up with me for a few more years yet", he laughs and hugs me.

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