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Keyless pov
Tonight me and Noah are seeing Taylor swift . I still can't quite believe Noah got us tickets. I'm so grateful for humans everything he's done for me. He's just perfect quite literally. Me and Noah go into our tutor and mrs shaw looks at me and says " enjoy tonight, you deserve it, you're so lucky to have someone as amazing as Noah ". I smile and say " I know, he's just completely amazing". Mayer school is finished I'm ready for the concert and so is Noah. We head to the venue, head backstage and Taylor hugs and says " kaylee it's so nice to meet you, Noah's told me a lot about you". I say " thank you so much for netting us". She says " it's okay , so you're both at music school, and you both want a career in music". Noah says "yeah me and Kayla have been working together for years, she sings and I produce it's always been that way" . Taylor says " awesome, why don't I invite you both on stage tonight to perform a song". I look at Taylor and say " that would be amazing thanks, honestly I wouldn't be the musician I am without Noah". a year ago there's no way i would have agreed to it, I think music school has really made us both more confident .

Noah's pov
I'm so proud 0f kayls she's come so far since the shy girl I used to know. I definatly think music scholl has helped her with her confidence.  Taylor says " london I'd like to introduce you to two young musicians, I believe they both have a long career ahead of them in this industry please welcome kaylee marsden and Noah potts" . We decide to do a few songs, if you only new, there for you and kaylee performs watch me. After the concert Taylor hugs us and says guys you're both incredible, the songs were amazing, this is just the start for you two". I drive us back to,the apartment , yes I passed a few weeks ago and kaylee has her test next week. As soon as we get in kaylee kisses me and says " did that just really happen?, Taylor swift likes my music". I hug her and say " it did, I'm so proud of you kayls you've come so far since the girl that was terrified to sing in front of me and now look you just performed at the o2 in front of  thousands.

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