Fun in the bathroom/Engagment party

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Noah's pov
We're back at shcool tonight our friends and family are throwing an engagement party for me and kaylee . We said they really didn't need to but they insisted. We go into our first lesson which is our tutor. Mrs shaw hugs both of us and says " guys I'm so happy for you to, when kaylee told me she was going to propose I knew you'd say yes". I look at kaylee and say " I'd have to be pretty dumb not to". Ayles smiles and whispers " I love you so much more than you know babe". I smirk and  whisper " why don't you show me latter we have a free period half studying the other half". She bites her lip and we go to our seats. After the lesson we agree to go to the library for the secound half of the free period but the first half. Kaylee takes my hand and leads me to the ladies bathroom.  I say " I'm not supposed to be in here". She says " oh shit up and kiss me". We kiss , I place her on the counter then walk into a cubicle and lock it with her leges wrapped around my waist.

Kaylees pov
We got to the library after that amazing time. We study for about half an hour then head to our next lesson. It's the end of the day i get to the apartment first and start getting changed . Noah comes in and turns around I laugh and say " I apreciate your respect but you can look and touch if you want to. He kisses me, I turn arkundnwrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back. We're both dress, we head to the sports hall holding hands ounce we've get there evreyone starts clapping and cheering. Skye aproaches me with James, she hugs me and I take James off her. Noah starts playing with James he's so good with him. Later me and Noah are dancing to our song and he says " I can't quite believe we're getting married". I smile and say " I know babe me neither but I can't wait".  I see skye siting on her own I sit next to her and she says " kayls I'm so happy for you, geting married , you have your whole life ahead of you". I look at her and say " so do you, you have a beutiful baby boy, and you and Ben will be engaged soon im sure of it".

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