Skyes 18th

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Noahs pov
Today is Skye's 18th, I know she dosent fell like doing much as she's about to have the baby but kaylee is still taking her out to celebrate, Alex left, she was offered a job in the city, skye and Ed told her to go. I fell some movement beside me. I smile when I see kaylee. I kiss her and say " babe don't you need to get ready you're taking skye out for today aren't you". She smiles and says " yes i am for an hour later while you , Ben and Ed make the dinner and make sure she dosent see Patrick". I kiss her and say that can be arranged. The lodge is closed for today as it's Skye's birthday. I shower and get dressed. Walk to the lodge, on my way I see my mum and dad , dad says " oi do you're just a failure, look,at me when I'm speaking to you, you cunt". He punches me and continues punching me until Ben sees and pushes him of me, he takes me to the lodge and I call the police, he looks at me and says " would you like kaylee to clean you ". I nod , I'm surprised I had the courage to call the police.

Kaylees pov
Skye is so shocked,when she see the dinner and Patrick , Ben looks at me and says " the police are in there interviewing noah, he saw his mum and dad and his dad started punching him repeatedly and,called him a failure and a cunt". The police leave. I go into the room and see Noah he has a bloody nose, I get some antiseptic wipes and start wiping it. I pull him into my arms and he says " I had to babe, he was out of control". I look at him and say " I understand of course you had to, the way they have both treated you is unacceptable ". We go out and have a delicous meal and a great night celebrating skye. As we're leaving we see Noah's dad approaching the lodge . I look at him and say " come,on you can do this I'll be with you". He takes my hand and we walk out together and He says " of course the bitch of your girlfriend is here". Noah punches him and says " speak about her like that again and I'll kill you and now I'd leave I'f I were you unless you want me to tell the police evreything you and mum have done to me". I hug him and say " I think I need boxing lessons ", he laughs and says " well I'd be avliable anytime for you babe".

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