Jade and jayden oneshot

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Jade and Jayden have been best friends since they started on the lodge. They've recently grown feelings for each-other. Filming for season three starts ( I know there isint one just imagine there is) and they grow closer than ever. Jade and Jayden film most of there scenes together and one night there in Jayden's room and Jayden about to leave will jayden try to stop her.

Jayden's pov
I really like jade, she's one of my best friends,  know there's a couple of year's between us but I've liked her for a few months and I think if she fells the same we could make,it,work. We're starting to film season three of the lodge and I,get told I'm,filming most of my scenes with jade,today as,noah and kaylee are official and there also at music scholl, I mean they will,come,back,to,the lodge from,time to time but there mainly at music school. I go onto set and jade runs into my arms I pick her up a,d,spin her around I could stay like this forever. Jade says I've missed you so much Jayden, come on first of many selfies for season three".

Jades pov
We've filled our semce,es up until lunch. We still have a few scenes to film after lunch and then we have to film the scenes at the lode next week. I look at Jayden and say " so any updates?". We always speak about this and Jayden says " yes so molly cheated on me, we broke up she didn't even apologise ". I pull him into my arms and say " Jayden I'm so sorry you deserved way better than that". Later we've filmed all our Scenes we're in Jayden's hotel room and we video chat with the rest of the cast. I really like Jayden he's really hot, the only reason I didn't make my move was because he was with molly. I get up to leave Jayden says " you don't have to if you don't want to , you can stay over". I look at him and say " I'd love to, Jayden I know this might be soon after molly but I really like you as more than a friend". I go a,d get my necessities for tonight from,my room, I go back, Jayden kisses me and says " I really like you to, let's,just take it at our pace, we don't need to,rush into a relationship let's just go on a few dates so we definitely know we like eachother and more than friends". I kiss him and say " sounds perfect".

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