Kaylees 17th

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Kaylees pov
I wake up on my 17th to see balloons a mountain if pressents and a card. I look at Noah, he has a smirk on his face. I look at him and say babe " you shouldn't have done all this for me, I don't deserve it". He pulls me onto his lap, kisses me and say " of course you deserve it babe, happy birthday, as it's the weekend we're going into the city and going shopping, there might be a few surprises". I kiss him and say " what did I do to deserve someone as amazing as you mr potts".he says " I ask myself the same question about you, kayls you've done so much for me and I just wanted to show you how much I aprciate evreything". He gives me the card, he's said he's saving pressents for later. ( to my kayls happy birthday, you're the most beautiful, inspirational, talented, loving caring girl I've ever met and to me you're perfect don't ever change, I love you so much and I'm so proud to be your boyfriend love your Noah). I kiss him and say " thank you so much babe". We shower and get dressed then get the bus into the city, i wounder what my suprise is, I know it's not Ben and skye as we celebrated with them last weekend.

Noahs pov
We get to the shoping centre and Kaylees family is there she hugs them and 8 high five her brother, he's a few years younger than us at 14. We go shopping I buy kaylee evreything she wants. We have a delicous lunch then continue shopping. After shopping Kaylees family drop us back at music school.  We get into the apartment and kayleekises me and says " thank you so much babe, that was the best surprise ever". I get the pressents for kaylee and give them to her. (Clothes, perfume, shoes, jewellery, makeup, bath bombs and a few other things). She hugs me and says " thank you noah, I'll use one of these now, fel. Free to join me). That's just an offer I can't refuse. I follow her into the bathroom and she starts runing the batch. We take our clothes off and get in the bath. She looks at me and blushes , I say " oh come on you can't get to nervous 1round me I'm your boyfriend ". She laughs and pulls me into her chest and says " thank yo so much for today noah, the best thispng about it is right now, just us to having a bath together".

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