Last exam

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Noahs pov
Todays our last exam. Kaylee wraps her arms ,d legs around me and says " babe the exam will be fine, I'm so proud of you, I know you've struggled with them but you've done you're best and that's all anyone can ask of you, I'll take you out for dinner tonight, to celebrate the end of exams qnd qpplogise for our fight, the way I acted was completely uncalled for". I turn around, she gets onto my lap and I say " thanks babe,you've always believed in me,you really don't need to, it's okay , yes the words hurt me but I shouldn't have gone behined your back and spoke to mrs shaw". She kisses me and says " I will,always support you, I want to treat you and you were just looking out for me, now let's get showered before our exam". We get in the shower, she kisses me, I turn the shower on, kiss her back and pick her up. We get dressed and go to our final exam. The questions are difficult but i try my best to answer every question. What keeps me going is how proud kaylee would be of me for carrying on and answering every question.

Kaylees pov
The exam finishes, I go up to noah and say " no more until next year". He kisses me and says " thanks babe, you always beloved in me". I say " that's what girlfriends are for". We go out the class and Noah says come on, I'll give you a piggy back to the apartment. I laugh and jump up on his back. He gets to the apartment and opens the door. I say I could stay like this forever". He closes the door puts me down  and I kiss him and take his top off, he takes my jacket off. Later we go to a fancy restaurant. I wanted to treat him, he's been amazing since I move to music scholl, i know I hurt his fellings but luckily he forgave me. The meal is delicous we go back to the apartment and I say " babe I'm so proud of you I know the exam was hard but you answered every question because you knew how important it was and you also knew you might get some special treatment tonight". He kisses me and I push him onto the sofa, I get on top,of him.we will wash the sofa tomorow right now I'm more concerned about making love to my boyfriend .

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