Jade and jayden oneshot

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This will be Jayden's 20th but him and Jade haven't got together yet. Jayden's filming on the lodge and his family celebrated with him last time he came home a few weeks ago. He hasn't told any of the cast that it's his birthday but Jade remembers it and makes it her mission to celebrate him today. They both have fellings for eachother, how will jayden react to jades thoughtfullness.

Jayden's pov
Today is my 20th, I haven't told anyone beacause it's not a big deal. I'm filming most of my scenes with Jade today. I get onto set and the director says before we film any scenes today, I have been reliably informed that it's someone's birthday. How the hell does he know. Jade comes out with my favourite cake and everybody starts singing happy birthday. I blow the candles out and Jade says " I couldn't let today go by without celebrating you, jayden you're the first person to celebrate everyone else birthday and it's about time we done the same for you , thers a party after filming later". I hug her and say " thank you so much Jade, you're the best friend ever".

Jades pov
I give jayden the card I got him and make a pot on instagram the card and the post basically explaines how special he is to me and evreyone he works with , I'm giving him the pressents I got him later. We're filming the last scene of the day it's a noah and kaylee scene, it's Noah's birthday and kaylee made sure she celebrated him as his parents forgot tpwhat day it was. Later at the party I give jayden the presents I got him ( clothes , aftershave, shoes, a few framed pictures of us and some other things). He hugs me and thanks me. Later the party is preety much over, Sophie looks at me and says " tell him how you fell after the party". The party finashes and jayden asks to speak to me, I'm quite nervous. We go to the boathouse and he says " thank you so much for today, I know all of it was down to you, jade I really like you as more than a friend , I have for months it not just today that's made me realise it". I kiss him he kisses back and picks me up, I break apart and say just incase it wasn't completely obvious I really like you to as more than a friend, so jayden revri do you want to be my boyfriend?". He says " I can't think of anything I've ever wanted more". We kiss and head back to his trailer , I sleep there with him on his bed, no funny business yet.

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