Oneshot 2

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This is a oneshot after season 2 episode 9 . Kaylee finds noah and apologises for blanking him. They go with skye on the boat to the island. Danielle and Sean have left and alex is with them And so is Ben. There is no storm. During,the trip kaylee tells noah just how much she means to him.

Kaylees pov
Ben is trying to talk to noah. Skye looks at me and says " you really hurt him, I know you didn't mean to but you did, tell him how you fell". Ben leaves I sit down next to noah and say " I'm so sorry, the reason I blanked you was because of the recording contract and frankie, but that's no excuse, we never talked about what we were before I left, noah you're not just my best friend, I love you as more than a friend and I'm just hopping you fell the same, Ill Give you some time to think about it"Skye smiles she clearly heard what I said, I walk back and she high fives me, she says " kayls I'm so proud of you, he obliosly fells the same I mean look at him he's smiling, he wasent this happy when you were gone".

Noahs pov
We find the next clue on the island and head back on the boat. I see kaylee siting,on her own I sit next to her and say " I love you to kayls, i have for a few years, ". She looks at me and says " so noah potts do you want to be my boyfriend?". I say "I'd love to kaylee marden". We kiss I've waited so long for this moment and kaylee breaks apart and says " so I mentioned you to my tutor, she said you'd be perfect for the music production course, we'd be in Some of the same classes and be in the same tutor". " I need to apply". She smiles and says "I've done it on you're behalf and they accepted you,all you need to do is say yes , I'll help you pack, we can get acomadation together". I hold her hand and say " sounds perfect, I know I've never been anywhere but I want to with you ". She smiles and kisses me, I kiss back  she gets onto my lap and says " finally". I hug her and say " yea finally, I can't wait to start this new adventure with you".

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