Jayden and jade first christmass

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Jaydens pov
I wake up on christmass day, it's mine and jades first Christmas together and both our families decides to go down to Cornwall so we could spend it together. There so close it's amazing how they've warmed to eachother. Jade wakes up yaps her arms around me kisses me and says " merry Christmas baby". I kiss her and say " first of many, I've wasted to much time being to scared to say how I felt about you because I thought you wouldn't fell the same way".  She gets on my lap and says " jayden I'll always  love you, my mind will never change". I kiss her and she kisses back, I put my hands under her top and we have sex. After sex, we put our tops back in shower and get dressed, we agreed to do our pressents to eachother later. We go downstairs and hug our families and spend the rest of the morning with them. We gave a delicious Christmas diner. After Christmas diner we spend time with our families watching films and playing games. Me and Jade make a post on our joint account and play games together. One of the dares if we lose the game is to wear makup.

Jades pov
I thrash jayden now I have to do his makeup. He looks quite good actually. We do pressents im so gratfull for evreything I got. Later me and jayden get our pressents and go upstairs we say goodnight to our families and head upsatairs. Jayden gives me my presents first ( clothes, perfume, makup perfume and lots of other things including a framed photo of us in front of the Hollywood sign). I kiss jayden and say " thank you so much babe". I give jayden his pressents ( clothes,shoes, hoddies,aftershave, Apple Watch,a book  I've been working on, with pictures of us in it and messages telling him how special he is to me and a few other things). He kisses me and says " aw babe thank you so much, that book was just to cute". I say " I wanted to show you how special you are to me , I think I done that". He kisses me and says " oh you definitely did". We chat to Luke and Sophie for a bit, it's ther first christmass as a couple to. Later we're watching a film on jaydens ipad, I can tell he's tired. I pause the movie and say " let's go to bed bae, thank you for making it the perfect first Christmas ". He kisses me and says " it's okay you deserved it".

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