First date

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Kaylees pov
I wake up in Noah's arms. Todays a day of school. School is going really well for both of us, Noah is getting amazing feedback from his tutors and I'm so proud of him. Noah wakes up kisses me and says " so today I'm taking you around the city for our first date, I can't tell you the stuff I have in mind but I have a felling you'll love it". I get onto his lap kiss him and say " I'll love it whatever it is, just not as much as I love you because that's impossible ".  I shower and get dressed, I do my hair and makeup. Noah comes out of his room and says " wow kayls you look amazing". I kiss him a,d say " you don't look to bad either now shall we". He interlocks our arms, we get the bus into the city centre and the first thing we do is go shopping. I really apreciate noah doing all this for me. I know it can't be nice for him but he still does it for me. He buys me everything I want . Next we have a delicous lunch sushi here I insist on paying for, I need to pay for something today it's only fair. I know Noah wanted to pay for evreything but I'll make it up to him later.

Noah's pov
I really apreciate kaylee paying for lunch. She didn't need to but she wanted to. The last thing I have planned for us is going up the shard. The view from the top is absolutely stunning. I whisper in Kaylees ear  "the view it's beautiful but it's got nothing on you". We get the bus back to the accommodation and as soon as we get in and shut the door kaylee kisese me. She says " thank you so much for today, it showed just how much you care about me". I pull her into a hug, kiss her head and say "kaylee  I thought I made it obvious,you mean more to me than anyone else in the world and I wanted to treat you today". She says " you did Noah, I never thought I'd ever be quashed happy as I am right now but i a, because of you". Later I put my pjs on and go into Kaylees room, she opens up the covers and I get in and say " this is the last time for now, I think it's best if we save it for special occasions ".  Kaylee kisses me and says " I agree , im going to miss your cuddles but to male this work we need to have a bit of time away from eachother".

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