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(The episode begins with Mordecai Rigby and Nico playing football in the living room.)

Nico : Twelve seconds on the clock !  Twelve seconds on the clock !

Rigby: (Laughing) Dude! I'm open, I'm open, dude!

Mordecai: (Snickers) Go long, dude!

(Throws a ball of socks at Rigby, sending him backwards off the couch.)

Rigby: Touchdown, sock faces!

(He throws down the socks and starts imitating cheering. Right then, Benson enters.)

Benson: Hey, you three ! Quit fooling around; we're having an emergency meeting.

Mordecai: Aw, what?

Rigby: Boooo.

Nico : Why !

Benson: (Signals to the door) Outside, now!

(He leaves as Mordecai Rigby and Nico  watch. A Clock transition to outside Skips's place occur. All the park workers are standing outside.)

Benson: Alright, everyone. I got some bad news. The park is being audited. (Points to Pops) Pops tried to pay the park taxes... (Gives him a look) ...with lollipops.

(The workers voice their displeasure.)

Pops: But I gave them more than enough.

Benson: We already went over this, Pops. You pay taxes with money, not lollipops.

Pops: (Sad) Oh.

Rigby: (Spits) What's the big deal? It's not like an audit is a bad thing.

Benson: It is a bad thing, Rigby. If we don't take care of this, the government takes our stuff away.

(The rest of the workers panic.)

Benson (continued): Okay, we only have till three to stop the audit.

(Slowly pan over to Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost, who are thinking up something funny.)

Benson (continued): Does anyone know someone who can help us? Anybody? Anybody at all?

Gremo ( whispers to Muscle Man) : Yo say it . Say it.

Muscle Man: (Raises his hand) I know someone who can help.

Benson: (threatening) If you say your mom, you're fired.

Muscle Man: (Long pause) MY MOM!

Benson: GET OUT!

Muscle Man: It was worth it!

Gremo : LETS GO!

(Muscle Man,Hi Five Ghost, and Gremo hi five and run off.)

Nico ( thinks) : Lets see, Lets see.

Mordecai: (Thinks) Hmmm... Hmph. Hey! (Looks at Rigby) We know someone.

Nico : Oh yeah !

Rigby: We do?

(Mordecai and Nico raises their  arms. Suddenly, Rigby knows who Mordecai and Nico is referring to.)

Rigby (continued): No! No way!

Benson: What? If you know somebody, you've got to tell me.

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