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The episode starts at the Coffee Shop. Mordecai, Rigby,  Nico, Sabrina and Eileen surprise Margaret for her birthday with confetti and balloons.)

Mordecai: Alright, here she comes.

Mordecai, Rigby, Nico, Sabrina  and Eileen: Happy birthday, Margaret!

Margaret: Haha! Thanks guys! I'm gonna have to clean that up, you know.

Mordecai: (Hands her the balloons) These are for you.

Margaret: (Takes them) Nice balloons.

(The camera focuses on the balloons; none of which say 'Happy Birthday')

Eileen: They were on sale.

Nico : Yeah all the happy birthday ballons were taken.

Sabrina : We shouldve just blown our own.

Rigby: It sucks you have to work on your birthday.

Margaret: Ugh. Seriously.

Eileen: Did you tell them?

Margaret: Oh! Hey, do you guys wanna come to my party tonight?

Mordecai: Party?

Margaret: Yeah. It's kind of last minute, but I'm celebrating at this cool club called "Box".

Sabrina : It's one of the hottest clubs in town!

Rigby: Ugh. Club?

Elieen: I'm bringing the cake.

Rigby: I'll be there.

Nico : Bet.

Margaret: (Looking at Mordecai) So, you in? I know you're not much of a dancer.

Mordecai: Are you kidding? I dance all the time.

Margaret: You'll have to show me some moves, then.

Mordecai: You got it.

Margaret: Great! The party ends at midnight, so don't be late.

(She Eileen and Sabrina walk away)

Mordecai: Don't worry, we won't.

Rigby: Man, why is Margaret having her party at a club? Clubs are so lame!

Nico : Yeah I'm only going to have fun for a while. I hate clubs the people there act like there rich and famous.

Mordecai: Yeah, but you know what's not lame? Dancing with Margaret!

(Makes techno music noise)

Rigby: Ugh. It is when you dance like that.

Mordecai: I'm gonna show her my moves and then make my move, know what I'm sayin'?

(Makes techno music noise)

Nico : Bro please stop. My eyes. ( covers his eyes.)

(The scene transitions to Mordecai, Rigby  and Nico all dressed up and walking to the club, while Mordecai is still making techno music)

Mordecai (continued): (Singing) Time to dance with Margaret, let's get this party started!

Rigby: (Singing) With cake we'll be rewarded!

Nico: Yeahyuh! ( Nico is wearing a blue and black hoodie and white and black hip hop pants.)

(They come up to the club, which has a huge line of people outside)

Mordecai,Rigby and Nico: (Laughs)

Rigby: Is this it?

Mordecai: Ugh! Why don't they just use signs at these places? (Low voice) Oh, yeah, would be really cool to not have a sign so people can't find us.

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