Terror Tales of the Park - Creepy Doll

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(Episode begins in Pops' room)

Mordecai: Alright! Just a few more boxes to go.

Pops: Oh, wonderful. I can't thank you enough for helping me clean up my room. It's just so hard to know what to keep and what to throw away.

Mordecai: Yeah, but don't worry, Pops. We'll be honest with you.

Nico : If it's cool, keep it. If it's lame, throw it away.

Rigby: Oh, yeah! Last box! What's it gonna be?

(Brings the box over to Mordecai and Pops and puts it down. The box opens, and a creepy doll is revealed.)

Nico : AAAH!

Mordecai: Uh...

Rigby: Ew.

Pops: (Laughs) Look who it is! (Carries the doll and shake its) Mordecai, Rigby, Nico this is my old childhood friend, Percy. Pretty cool, eh?

(Holds the doll out towards them)

Nico : No just no.

Rigby: Oh, dude.

Mordecai: No. Not cool, Pops.

Pops: Oh...but no, he is cool. He was the most sophisticated doll in his day with over 250 phrases stored inside. Why, you never know what he is going to say next!

(He pulls the string on Percy's back)

Percy: I'm gonna draw on your face.

(Pops starts to laugh)

Nico : Is that doll even for kids ?

Rigby: That's really creepy, Pops.

Pops: Creepy? What are you talking about? Percy is not at all creepy.

(He pulls the string on Percy's back again)

Percy: Seriously. I'm gonna draw on your face.


(Nico's eyes go wide)

Mordecai: Pops! Pops! Look, you've gotta get rid of that thing.

Pops: What? Are you sure?

Rigby: Pops, you're a grown man. It's just not cool play with dolls.

Nico : And that doll is not cool.

Pops: Oh, out with the old, and in with the new, eh?

(He laughs, and Mordecai,Rigby and Nico join in)

(A title card says "The Next Day," and it shows Pops on the swings. Mordecai , Rigby and Nico come running over.)

Rigby: Hey Pops, we just found a hornets' nest! Want to go huck rocks at it?

(Pops turns around to reveal that his face has been drawn on)

Mordecai, Rigby & Nico : Ahhh!

Mordecai: Ah! Pops, what happened?

Pops: Percy and I were just having a playdate.

Rigby: Why'd you draw all over your face?

Pops: I didn't, Percy did it. Isn't he a riot?

Nico : Uh.

Mordecai: Pops, we told you it wasn't cool to play with dolls. Weren't you gonna throw him away?

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