Stick hockey

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Episode begins with Benson walking and stepping on a piece of gum. Scene cuts to a stick hockey table in action]

Nico: Rufus passes to Blue, Bluey to Old Man Samson, Samson with a twirl and, OHHHHHHHH!

[Horn sounds, scoreboard is shown with Home: 3, Away: 3, Period: 3 and Time Remaining: 3:40]

Mordecai: Whoa, sweet shot! 

Rigby : I'm next !  [laughs and presses start to release another puck]

[Mordecai, Rigby, and Nico laugh brainlessly with engrossed looks on their faces until Mordecai scores]

Mordecai: OHHHHHHHH!

Rigby: Aww, man! Alright, you're going down. C'mon fellas, let's pick it up!

[Mordecai , Rigby  annd Nico continue playing. Benson opens the garage door]

Benson: Hey! What the heck are you doing?

Rigby: Huh? [looks away from table]

Mordecai: [shoots a goal] WHHHHHOOOOAAAA!

[Horn sounds, scoreboard shows Home: 3, Away: 4, Period: 3, Time Remaining: 0:00]

Rigby: Aww, what? Benson distracted me, no fair!

Mordecai: (excitedly) Oh, oh, oh, oh!

Rigby: Alright, best out of fifteen.

Benson: Whoa, whoa, hold on a second. You guys are supposed to be working.

Mordecai: Yeah, I know but, c'mon check this out. We found crammed in the back behind all this junk.

Rigby: [rubbing against the table] Miniature man hockey dome.

Benson: It's called Stick Hockey. And it's mine.

Rigby: It's so much fun.

Nico : So much fun.

Mordecai: So much fun.

Rigby: So much fun.

Nico: So much fun.

Mordecai: So much fun.

Benson: Look I don't care how much fun you think you're having, you're supposed to de-gum the park today and now I find you holed up in here twiddling some sticks?

Nico : Dude !

Mordecai: Ugh, don't say it like that.

Benson: I knew I should've gotten rid of that game. It's a waste of time.

Mordecai, Rigby and Nico : Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Mordecai: Okay, okay, we'll go out right now and finish de-gumming. Please just don't get rid of the game!

Rigby: It's so much fun.

Nico : So much fun.

Mordecai: So much fun.

Benson: (defeatedly) Fine. [sighs] If you finish all your work on time you can keep the game.

Rigby: Yes!

Nico : Awesome !

Mordecai: All right!

Mordecai ,Rigby & Nico: [run out of the garage] Thank you thank you thank you thank you.

[Cut to montage of Mordecai , Rigby  and Nico de-gumming the park. They back to the garage exhausted]

Rigby: We did it! [raises arm]

Nico: See? Having a goal totally focused us!

Rigby: I get it now, work hard and then play hard!

Mordecai: And we're gonna be playing hard all night!

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