Under the hood

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This episode begins when Mordecai ,Rigby and Nico are drinking coffee, and Benson asks them to paint over the graffiti on the wall of the park restrooms.)

Benson: Alright, I need you guys to paint over the graffiti on the bathroom. Just make sure you cover all of it.

Rigby: Cover all of it?

Benson: What did I just say? Yes, all of it. Get back to work.

(Walks away)

Mordecai: I wouldn't mind going back to sleep. ( Nico falls on the ground and starts sleeping.)

(Scene transitions to Mordecai, Rigby and Nico painting over the graffiti)

Nico : Dude why do we have to this ? Why can't they find the guys and make them do it?

Rigby: I'd like to find whoever did this and just—ARRRGGH.

Mordecai: I know man, they're probably sitting around somewhere just laughing at us.

Muscle Man: (Laughs) Do you know who else likes to clean up other peoples messes? My mom! (Laughs)

Rigby: Did you paint this graffiti, Muscle Man?

Muscle Man: Pfft, me? I may be an artist when it comes to pranks, but I am no graffiti artist.

(Mordecai, Rigby and Nico notice orange stuff on Muscle Man's hands)

Mordecai: What is that?

Muscle Man: What is what?

Mordecai: The orange paint on your hands.

Muscle Man: It isn't paint, fool, it's from the buffalo wings we just had for lunch.

Gremo : Yeah smell my breath.

Nico : Uh yuck no.

Rigby: Yeah, right, it's all over you!

Muscle Man: Haven't you ever been to Wing Kingdom? They always hook you up with the sauce.

Rigby: I think you did this.

Muscle Man: You better watch who you're accusing, bro.

Mordecai: Show us your receipt then.

Muscle Man: What? Show us your receipt!

Mordecai: That's it!

Mordecai, Rigby and Nico: (Running to Benson) BENSON!

Mordecai: We know who did the graffiti!

Benson: What? Who?

(Scene switches back to Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost)

Muscle Man: It's buffalo sauce, smell it!

Gremo : Yeah smell my breath.

Benson: I'm not going to smell your fingers or your breath, Muscle Man. Just tell me the truth and I'll take your word for it.

Gremo: But we are telling you the truth!

Benson, I can't believe you're even listening to these clow-

(A can of spraypaint falls out of his pocket)

Rigby: Look, it's spray-paint!

Benson: Chicken wings, huh?

Muscle Man: Uh... um... that's not mine!

Nico: Yeah, right!

Mordecai : It was in your pocket!

Muscle Man: Uh... okay, all right! I-I was spraypainting, okay? But--

Benson: But what?

Muscle Man: But I didn't do the graffiti, I was painting Hi Five Ghost's ride orange.

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