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(Episode starts with Benson and Skips in Mr. Maellard's office)

Benson: It's always good to have you at the park, Mr. Maellard, sir.

Mr. Maellard: (turns to face Benson & Skips) Don't try to fraternize with me, Bert.

Benson: Actually, sir, my name is Benson.

Mr. Maellard: I know what your name is, Beanbag! So, everything is ready for the unveiling of the new statue today, right, Beanbag?

Benson: Yes, sir. The catering's all set up, and the sound system is in place...

Mr. Maellard: Good. Great. Only one thing missing. My son! (shows portrait of Pops) Pops! When I told him he had to give a speech today, he ran away, crying. I didn't invite all my friends and waste a lot of money for nothing! Right, Beanteen?

Benson: Uh, no, sir.

Mr. Maellard: Now you go find Pops so he can give his speech, or you're fired! Underline, FIRED!!!

(cut to seconds later, with the door slamming)

Skips: So, what do we do first?

Benson: Find Pops, and make sure Mordecai Rigby and Nico don't mess this up.

(clock transition to the swingset. Pops is sitting on one of the swings, sobbing, as Mordecai Rigby and Nico walk up)

Mordecai: Hey Pops, is everything okay?

Pops: No. My father wants me to give a speech in front of all his friends today. But I can't, because I'm a no-good turkey and I'm going to strawberry jam the whole thing up! (Mordecai Rigby and Nico look at each other)

Nico : Turkey ? Strawberry jam ? What ?

Rigby: What are you saying?

Pops: I'm just saying, I can't... I don't know why, I just get terribly anxious when I give speeches...

Rigby: I give speeches all the time. It's easy.

Nico : (laughs) Yeah right.

Mordecai: When do you ever give speeches?

Rigby: What? It's like, just, talking in front of a bunch of people. We talk in front of each other all the time.

Mordecai: Actually, yeah. We do do that. (to Pops) See, Pops? We can totally help you get over your nerves.

Pops: Oh, thank you!

(clock transition to another part of the park, next to a lamppost covered with notes)

Nico: Okay, Pops. I want you to pretend there's a crowd of people here. But, they're all your family and friends. You know, people who it's easy for you to talk to. (backs away) And... go!

Pops: Oh! Uh... (pulls out notecard from his vest) I need my notes. Let's see. Umm... (notices the emptiness) Where did everyone go? They must have hated my speech.

Mordecai: No, Pops. Just pretend there are people there.

Pops: (turns to emptiness, then back to Mordecai,Rigby and Nico) I'm not very good at pretending.

Nico : Ugh! This isn't working.

Rigby: I got this. (goes to lamppost to grab a band for hire ad and puts it over Pop's eyes) Here. Pretend these dudes are your friends and family in the crowd.

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