Trucker hall of fame

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( In Muscle Man's trailer, day. A picture of Muscle Man's father is shown. We pan down to a truck radio. Muscle Man grabs it to check on his father)

Muscle Man: Muscle Dad! Come in, Muscle Dad!

(just static)

Muscle Man (continued): Muscle Dad, come in! I wanna wish you a happy Father's Day!

(just more static)

Muscle Man (continued): Come on, Muscle Dad! You better not be pranking me!

(through the window, a truck drives up)

Muscle Man (continued): Bro?

(John opens the door, seemingly shaken)

Muscle Man (continued): Geez, bro, who died?

(We pan down to John's waist. From behind his back, he pulls out a trucker's hat that reads "World's Greatest Trucker", indicating that Muscle Dad died. Muscle Man becomes shocked and speechless about the death of his father, he drops the microphone onto the floor in slow-motion. Cut to a chapel, some time later. Muscle Dad's funeral is taking place. Muscle Man opens a soda can to give his speech)

Muscle Man ​(continued): We're here today because my dad put a cactus under a cop in a bear costume, who turned out to be an actual bear.

(Tears form in Muscle Man's eyes. He begins to squeal, and turns around to furiously knock everything off of the table behind him. Mordecai, Rigby and Nico who are also in Muscle Dad's funeral, see the whole thing during his flipout)

Mordecai: Muscle Man!

(Mordecai, Rigby and Nico go over to Muscle Man as he kicks a water bucket, and hold him locked)

Nico : It's okay, it's okay! I'm sorry man. It'll be alright.

Muscle Man: You're right. You're right. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm okay. (goes over to Muscle Dad's picture on the table, pointing)

Muscle Man (continued): My dad might not have been the best pranker in the world, but he was the best trucker in the world. (zoom into Muscle Dad's hat) And that hat was his crown.

(Muscle Man is now seen holding an urn)

Muscle Man (continued): That's why this urn is filled with the ashes of his hat. As the ultimate Father's Day tribute, I'm gonna help my dad fulfill his final wish, by spreading the ashes of his hat at the Trucker Hall of Fame.

(Benson walks over to Mordecai, Rigby and Nico.)

Benson: Guys, I'd like you to go with Muscle Man to help him spread those hat ashes.

Mordecai: What? Why can't Hi Five Ghost and Gremo go with him?

Benson: (looking back) Hi Five Ghost and Gremo doesn't deal well with this sort of thing. (sure enough, Hi Five Ghost is seen looking through the window, crying and Gremo is also breaking down crying.)

Gremo : Why him ?! NO! Whyyyyy?! WHYYYYYY?!! ( breaks down in tears.)

Mordecai: Okay, we'll go with him.

Benson: Thanks. Just make sure to watch after him. If Muscle Man can't spread those hat ashes and get some closure, he may never be the same again.

Muscle Man: (on couch, twirling his suit in the air, guzzling a soda) WOO-HOO! WHOOO! (jumps off couch) WHOOOOO!

(clock transition to the highway. Mordecai, Rigby, Nico and Muscle Man are driving on the road)

Muscle Man: Thanks for coming along to help me spread my dad's trucker hat ashes. It really means a lot to me. I know that sometimes, I act all crazy when I'm bummed out, so just let me know if I'm freaking out too hard, and I'll stop.

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